Selected Publications
Shresthova S., Paul Mihailidis and Meg Fromm. Transformative Media Pedagogies. Routledge (Forthcoming 2021).
Shresthova S., Jenkins H., Peters-Lazaro, G.. Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: A Casebook. NYU Press ( 2020).
Shresthova, S. & G. Peters-Lazaro. Practicing Futures: A Civic Imagination Action Handbook. Peter Lang (2020).
Shresthova, S., E. Hodgin, C. James. Digital Civics: Supporting youth voice and action in a networked age. EdCan Network.
Shresthova, S. Bollywood Dance. Affinity Online: How Connection and Shared Interest Fuel Learning. NYU Press. 2018.
Shresthova, S. Dance it, Film it, Share it: Exploring Participatory Dances and Civic Potential. The Handbook of Artistic Citizenship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2017.
Jenkins, H., Gamber-Thompson, L., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., Shresthova, S. & Zimmerman, A. By Any Media Necessary: Mapping Youth and Participatory Politics. (Under Review). New York: New York University Press. 2016.
Jenkins, H., Shresthova, S., Gamber-Thompson, L., & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. Superpowers to the People!: How Young Activists are Tapping the Civic Imagination. The Civic Media Reader. Cambridge: MIT Press. 2016
Yuri Doolan: Telling Stories with Meaning Through Dance for Social Change on ConnectedLearning.tv, November 2014
Co-authored with Neta Kligler Vilenchik, "'Feel That You Are Doing Something': Participatory Culture Civics", in "Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation" 1(1), November 2014
"Engaging Youth: 7 'Epic' Tips" on DMLCentral, April 7, 2014
"Shoe on the Other Foot" in Nepali Times, January 3, 2014
"Sold in Los Angeles" in Nepali Times, April 18, 2014
“Between Storytelling and Surveillance: American Muslim Youth Negotiate Culture, Politics and Participation.” A Case Study Report Working Paper, 2013
“Bollywood dance as political participation? On flash mobs, new media, and political potential.” In Convergence 19(3): 311-317, 2013
co-authored with Neta Kligler Vilenchik, “Case Study 6: The Harry Potter Alliance: Connecting Fan Interests And Civic Action.” In Connected Learning An Agenda for Research and Design. DML: 49-52, 2013
co-authored with Neta Kligler Vilenchik, "Moving Beyond Kony 2012" in Huffington Post, October 22, 2012
co-authored with Neta Kligler Vilenchik, "Learning Through Practice: Participatory Culture Practices", A Case Study Report Working Paper, 2012
co-authored with Henry Jenkins, “New Media.” In the Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics. Oxford University Press: USA, 2012
Special issue of the journal of Transformative Works and Cultures, edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova.
co-authored with Henry Jenkins, "Up, Up, and Away! The Power and Potential of Fan Activism." In "Transformative Works and Fan Activism," edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 10, 2012
co-authored with Melissa Brough, "Fandom Meets Activism: Rethinking Civic and Political Participation." In "Transformative Works and Fan Activism," edited by Henry Jenkins and Dr. Shresthova Shresthova, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 10, 2012
“Under India’s Big Umbrella: Bollywood Dance in Nepal.” In South Asian Popular Culture 8(3): 309-323, 2010.
Is it All about Hips?: Around the World with Bollywood Dance, 2011
Oxford Bibliography, Dance and Film, 2011
Is It All About Hips? Around the World with Bollywood Dance. (SAGE Publications, 2011)
Between Cinema and Performance: Globalizing Bollywood Dance (Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA, 2008)
Jsem Víc Než Sandokan (I am more than Sandokan) (MF Plus, 2008)
Czechs Dancing to Bollywood Tunes (India and Czech Republic Focus, 2008)
Swaying to an Indian Beat... Dola Goes My Diasporic Heart: Exploring Hindi Film Dance (Dance Research Journal 36/2, December 2004, re-published in Global Bollywood, University of Minnesota Press, 2008)
Omamný svět Bollywoodu (co-authored with Hana Havlikova) (Lidové Noviny, 2004)
Strictly Bollywood? Story, Camera and Movement in Hindi Film Dance (MSc. Thesis MIT, 2003)
A Testimony to the Contagiousness of Dance (Dance on Camera Journal, May-June 2003)
Walking the Path. Exploring the Drivers of the Expression, presented at the ARF/ESOMAR Worldwide Audience Measurement (WAM) Conference on Television, co-authored with David Ernst, Stacey Lynn Koerner, Initiative Media, Henry Jenkins, Brian Theisen, Alex Chisholm (MIT) 2003
My Daily Odyssey : The Role of Transportation in the Lives of SEWA Bank Clients (in Balancing the Load published by ZED Books, 2002)
Dancing Nativities: Nepalese Dance in the Diaspora (Samachar Bichar, October 2001)
Shopping for Development?: An Insider's Perspective (discussion paper presented at LSE DESTIN alumni conference, 2000)
Facing the Challenge of HIV/AIDS: Investigating the Feasibility of a Reproductive Health Response (MSc. Dissertation, LSE, 1999)
Saris, Watertaps and Apfelkuchen: The Relativist Dilemmas of Development (undergraduate thesis, Princeton University, 1997)